Teorhinoplasty | Cadaver Rhinoplasty Training in Dubai

Welcome to Cadaver Rhinoplasty Training - Masterclass Series by Dr Teoman Dogan

Teorhinoplasty Technique is one of the most famous and effective rhinoplasty cosmetic surgery procedures in the world, introduced by Dr Teoman Dogan. Get your training now in Dubai. Reserve your seat today.

Teorhinoplasty Training Procedure by Dr Teoman Dogan
Cadaver training course for rhinoplasty by Dr Teoman Dogan

What does Teorhinoplasty mean?

Teorhinoplasty is a technique that has a minimalist rhinoplasty approach for any deformities.

What is the Teorhinoplasty procedure and how is it performed?

In this surgical technique called dorsal reduction, the surgeon employs a no dissection push-down approach to modify the dorsal aspect of the nose. The procedure involves cutting the entire bone structure of the nose from the side and top, creating a mobile bone structure that can be manipulated. The surgeon then subtracts a few millimeters from the septum, known as the superior strip, and pushes this bone structure down into the nasal cavity. Once the desired level is reached, the surgeon fixes the nose in position using a stitch called the "Teodor suture" (Teo Dorsum Suture), preventing further movement. Unlike traditional methods requiring a cast, this technique eliminates the need for one, as the fixed bone structure prevents lateral movement. Additionally, the surgeon avoids the letdown technique, where the bone remains on the surface and cannot be pushed into the nasal cavity.

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Cadaver Rhinoplasty Training Workshop

How does the Rhinoplasty Cadaver Training Course commence?

Firstly, there will be lectures of best practices and surgical steps of Teorhinoplasty procedures. It'll be especially helpful for who are new to dorsal preservation techniques.

Then after rhinoplasty cadaver dissection will start with all participating surgeons and exclusive guidance will be provided by Dr Teoman Dogan for each and every table with his comments.

Teorhinoplasty Cadaver Workshop Gallery