Liposuction in Dubai |Top Body Contouring, high-definition liposuction in Dubai
Plastic Surgery in dubai

Shape Better, Feel Lighter

Your Liposuction Transformation Begins Here

Plastic Surgery in dubai

Shape Better,
Feel Lighter

Your Liposuction
Transformation Begins Here

Liposuction at Quttainah Specialized Hospital

Liposuction, popularly known as "lipo", is a cosmetic surgery designed to remove excess fat deposits from targeted areas of the body, giving you a more refined and aesthetically pleasing silhouette. This procedure is ideal for those who have struggled to lose stubborn fat pockets despite a healthy diet and regular exercise. At Quttainah Specialized Hospital in Dubai, our state-of-the-art facility and star surgeons ensure an unmatched quality of care and precision.


  • Body Contouring: Achieve a smoother and more toned physique.
  • Boosted Confidence: Feel better in your skin and flaunt your best self.
  • Targeted Fat Removal: Specifically target areas that don’t respond to diet and exercise.
  • Long-Lasting Results: With a healthy lifestyle, results can be enduring.
  • Minimally Invasive: Less scarring and quicker recovery than traditional surgeries.

Procedure Process

  • Consultation: Discuss your goals, assess suitability, and decide on the areas to treat.
  • Preparation: Avoid certain medications, and follow pre-surgery guidelines.
  • Anesthesia: Local or general anesthesia is administered.
  • Procedure: Small incisions are made, and a thin tube called a cannula is used to break up and suction out fat. At Quttainah, we use a combination of technologies like Vaser, J-Plasma and Morpheus 8 do deliver results that are just perfect.
  • Duration: Typically 1-5 hours, depending on the areas treated and the extend of the surgery.

Recovery & Aftercare

  • Wear compression garments as advised.
  • Limit physical activity till the doctor advises you.
  • Expect some swelling and bruising.
  • Attend follow-up appointments.
  • Keep incision areas clean and dry
  • Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet
  • Avoid sun exposure to the treated areas
  • Refrain from smoking.
  • Listen to your body and rest as needed
  • Results will become evident as swelling subsides.

Our Star Surgeons:

doctor Hoyos QSH Dubai
Dr. Alfredo Hoyos
Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Doctor Shim QSH Dubai
Dr. Shim Ching
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Doctor Ahmed Abdelsalam QSH Dubai
Dr. Ahmed Abdelsalam
Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Doctor Martin QSH Dubai
Dr. Martin Jugenburg
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Doctor Dana QSH Dubai
Dr. Dana Khuthaila
Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Gie Meyer Vandhult
Dr. Gie Meyer Vandhult
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Ziya Saylan
Dr. Ziya Saylan
Plastic Surgery - General Surgeon
doctor Nadi QSH Dubai
Dr. Nadi Saker
Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Sari M. Rabah
Dr. Sari M. Rabah
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Dr. Mohammed AlQahtani
Dr. Mohammed AlQahtani
Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Stefanos Chalkitis, MD
Plastic surgeon

Areas of Liposuction

From the Jawline to abdomen and thighs, liposuction can be performed on various parts. With high-definition liposuction, results are more precise, allowing for sculpted, natural-looking outcomes. Whether it's the chin's double-layer or love handles, our techniques promise unparalleled results.

  • Abdomen & Waist: The abdomen is that notorious area where fats love to gather for a party, isn't it? With liposuction, we'll remove those fats pockets, sculpting your midsection. And give you those washboard abs or a sleek waistline you can confidently flaunt at the beach? That’s not it, with High-definition liposuction we can accentuate your natural muscle lines and give you that perfect look everyone dream for.
  • Hips & Buttocks: Let's talk curves. Dreaming of a more balanced rear profile without the extra saddlebags? We've got you covered. Liposuction streamlines those hips and can give your buttocks that desired lift. Your jeans, skirts, and dresses will thank you. Oh, and those second glances of admiration? Those are included too.
  • Thighs: Thigh-high splits, shorts, or just comfortable walking – addressing both the inner and outer thighs can change the game. Less chafing, more flaunting. Those lovely legs deserve to be in the spotlight!
  • Upper Arms:: Waving goodbye shouldn't involve a second wave from underarm flab. With liposuction, those "bat wings" will be a thing of the past.
  • Back: The back is often neglected, but not by us. From bra bulges to unsightly rolls, we aim to give you a smoother canvas. Backless dresses, low-cut blouses, or just a day by the pool – own them all with newfound confidence.
  • Chest/Breasts (for men): Men, we hear you. Gynecomastia can be a confidence killer. Our liposuction procedure is here to provide a more chiseled and masculine chest appearance. From gym sessions to beach outings, feel great with or without the shirt!
  • Chin & Neck: Double chins have a way of sneaking up on us, don’t they? We tackle that and streamline the neck area. Improve those selfies and side profiles. Plus, every necklace you wear suddenly looks ten times better.
  • Calves & Ankles: Ever heard of the term "cankles"? We address the lower leg area, sculpting the calves and ankles for a more refined look. Show off those legs in shorts, dresses, and heels without a second thought. Let every step you take exude confidence.
  • Love Handles: Those little bulges on the side of your waist can be pesky. Liposuction can smoothen out your silhouette by removing these stubborn fat pockets. Enjoy a smoother silhouette and wear fitted tops with a renewed sense of confidence.
  • Post-pregnancy Tummy: After childbirth, some women struggle to regain their pre-pregnancy belly. Liposuction can help in reducing this accumulated fat and reconnect with your pre-mommy body and reignite your self-assurance.

With high-definition liposuction, every area is treated with an artist's touch, ensuring sculpted, detailed results. It’s not just about fat removal; it’s about body contouring and defining at its finest.

Risks & Considerations: While liposuction is generally safe, potential risks include infections, scarring, irregular contours, and anesthesia complications. Ensure to discuss any concerns during the consultation.

Why Choose Quttainah?

At Quttainah Specialized Hospital, you're not just a patient; you're a valued guest. Our facility boasts three state-of-the-art operating theatres, ensuring precision and safety. Our safety protocols are stringent, ensuring peace of mind. From the moment you step in, our customer experience is tailored to make you feel cherished. And with our team of star surgeons, you're in the best hands, guaranteed exceptional results.

Bariatric Surgery & Weight loss in dubai

Before & After Gallery:

Witness the transformational journeys of our patients.


Got questions? We're here 24/7 to assist you.

For immediate assistance, please dial our Number: (+971) 45 118 799. Alternatively, you can use the form provided, email us at, or connect with us directly on WhatsApp. We're here to help!

Quttainah Specialized Hospital

Al Wasl Road, Umm Suqeim 3 (Al Thanya Street)

Dubai, UAE.
